International Publications in Refereed Journals (SCI & SSCI)
- Arpaci, I. (2024). A multi-analytical SEM-ANN approach to investigate the social sustainability of AI chatbots based on cybersecurity and protection motivation theory. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 1714-1725. [Q1] [IF: 5.8]
- Arpaci, I., Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Mahmoud, M. A. (2024). Factors predicting green behavior and environmental sustainability in autonomous vehicles: A deep learning-based ANN and PLS-SEM approach. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 57, 101228. [Q2] [IF: 4.1]
- Al-Emran, M., Al-Qaysi, N., Al-Sharafi, M. A., Alhadawi, H. S., Ansari, H., Arpaci, I., & Ali, N. (2024). Factors shaping physicians’ adoption of telemedicine: A systematic review, proposed framework, and future research agenda. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. [Q1] [IF: 5.78]
- Ibrahim, M., Al-Sharafi, M. A., Mahmoud, M. A., Arpaci, I., Hassan, A., Iahad, N. A., Alkawsi, G., & Capretz, L. (2024). Is Smart Home Adoption the Future of Sustainable Living? A Comprehensive Systematic Review, Theoretical Framework, and Avenues for Future Research. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. [Q1] [IF: 5.8]
- Arpaci, I., Karatas, K., Gun, F., & Suer, S. (2024). Predicting teachers’ sense of efficacy: A multimodal analysis integrating SEM, deep learning, and ANN. Psychology in the Schools. [Q3] [IF: 2]
- Yildiz, E., & Arpaci, I. (2024). Understanding pre-service mathematics teachers’ intentions to use Geogebra: The role of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Education and Information Technologies. [Q1] [IF: 5.5]
- Arpaci, I., Aslan, O., & Kevser, M. (2024). Evaluating short- and long-term investment strategies: Development and validation of the investment strategies scale (ISS). Financial Innovation, 10(1), 63. [Q1] [IF: 8.4]
- Bahari, M., Arpaci, I., Der, O., Akkoyun, F., & Ercetin, A. (2024). Driving agricultural transformation: Unraveling key factors shaping IoT adoption in smart farming with empirical insights. Sustainability, 16(5), 2129. [Q2] [IF: 3.9]
- Arpaci, I., & Bahari, M. (2024). Investigating the role of psychological needs in predicting the educational sustainability of Metaverse using a deep learning-based hybrid SEM-ANN technique. Interactive Learning Environments, 32(6), 2957-2969. [Q1] [IF: 5.16]
- Ooi, K.-B., Wei-Han Tan, G., Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M. A., Arpaci, I., Zaidan, A., Lee, V. H., Wong L.-W., Deveci, M., & Iranmanesh, M. (2023). The metaverse in engineering management: Overview, opportunities, challenges, and future research agenda. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. [Q1] [IF: 5.8]
- Karataş, K., Arpaci, I., & Süer, S. (2023). Predicting academic self-efficacy based on self-directed learning and future time perspective. Psychological Reports. [Q3] [IF: 2.3]
- Dogru, M. S., Yüzbaşıoğlu, F., & Arpaci, I. (2023). The effect of interactive videos enhanced with pop-up questions on teacher candidates’ learning performance in science. Research in Science & Technological Education. [Q4] [IF: 1.6]
- Gundogan, S., & Arpaci, I. (2024). Depression as a mediator between fear of COVID-19 and death anxiety. Current Psychology, 43(14), 12990–12997. [Q2] [IF: 4.297]
- Al-Sharafi, M. A., Al-Emran, M., Iranmanesh, M., Al-Qaysi, N., Iahad, N. A., & Arpaci, I. (2023). Understanding the impact of knowledge management factors on the sustainable use of AI-based chatbots for educational purposes using a hybrid SEM-ANN approach. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(10), 7491–7510. [Q1] [IF: 5.16]
- Bahari, M., Arpaci, I., Azmi, N. F. M., & Shuib, L. (2023). Predicting the intention to use learning analytics for academic advising in higher education. Sustainability, 15(21), 15190, [Q2] [IF: 3.9]
- Arpaci, I. (2023). Predictors of financial sustainability for cryptocurrencies: An empirical study using a hybrid SEM-ANN approach. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 196, 122858. [Q1] [IF: 12]
- Huang, S., Arpaci, I., Al-Emran, M., Kılıçarslan, S., & Al-Sharafi, M. A. (2023). A comparative analysis of classical machine learning and deep learning techniques for predicting lung cancer survivability. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 34183–34198. [Q2] [IF: 3.6]
- Arpaci, I., Kilicarslan, S., Aslan, O., & Ozturk, I. (2023). Air pollution in Marmara region before and during the COVID-19 outbreak. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(6), 764. [Q3] [IF: 3.307]
- Akkoyun, F., Çevik, Z. A., Özsoy, K., Ercetin, A., & Arpaci, I. (2023). Image Processing Approach to Investigate the Correlation Between Machining Parameters and Burr Formation in Micro-Milling Processes of Selective Laser Melted AISI 316L. Micromachines, 14, 1376. [Q2] [IF: 3.4]
- Arpaci, I., Masrek, M. N., Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Al-Emran, M. (2023). Evaluating the actual use of cloud computing in higher education through information management factors: A cross-cultural comparison. Education and Information Technologies, 28, 12089–12109. [Q1] [IF: 7.65]
- Arpaci, I., Kaya, A., Bahari, M. (2023). Investigating the influence of an Arduino-based educational game on the understanding of genetics among secondary school students. Sustainability, 15(8), 6942. [Q2] [IF: 3.9]
- Arpaci, I., Ghazisaeedi, M., Esmaeilzadeh, F., Barzegari, R., Barzegari, S. (2023). Ranking the critical success factors for hospital information systems using a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 41(10), 765-770. [Q4] [IF: 2.146]
- Arpaci, I., Dogru, M. S., Kanj, H., Ali, N., & Bahari, M. (2023). An experimental study on the effectiveness of a STEAM-based learning module in science education. Sustainability, 15(8), 6807. [Q2] [IF: 3.9]
- Al-Sharafi, M. A., Al-Emran, M., Arpaci, I., A. Iahad, N., AlQudah, A. A., Iranmanesh, M., & Al-Qaysi, N. (2023). Generation Z use of artificial intelligence products and its impact on environmental sustainability: A cross-cultural comparison. Computers in Human Behavior, 143, 107708. [Q1] [IF: 9.9]
- Arpaci, I., & Bahari, M. (2023). A complementary SEM and deep ANN approach to predict the adoption of cryptocurrencies from the perspective of cybersecurity. Computers in Human Behavior, 143, 107678. [Q1] [IF: 9.9]
- Akkoyun, F., Ozcelik, A., Arpaci, I., Ercetin, A., & Gucluer, S. (2023). A multi-flow production line for sorting of eggs using image processing. Sensors, 23(1), 117. [Q2] [IF: 3.9]
- Arpaci, I., Tak, P., & Shekhawat, H. (2023). The moderating role of exhibitionism in the relationship between psychological needs and selfie-posting behavior. Current Psychology, 42(5), 3610–3616. [Q2] [IF: 4.297]
- Al-Emran, M., Al-Nuaimi, M. N., Arpaci, I., Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Jnr, B. A. (2023). Towards a wearable education: Understanding the determinants affecting students’ adoption of wearable technologies using machine learning algorithms. Education and Information Technologies, 28(3), 2727-2746. [Q1] [IF: 7.65]
- Muhametjanova, G., Afacan, G., & Arpaci, I. (2023). Investigation of Gaming Habits, Personality Traits and Internet Gaming Disorder among Kyrgyz Adolescents. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 21(2), 869-877. [Q1] [IF: 8.0]
- Arpaci, I., & Aslan, O. (2023). Development of a scale to measure cybercrime-awareness on social media. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(3), 695-705. [Q2] [IF: 4.16]
- Barzegari, S., Arpaci, I., Ranjbar, A. Z., Afrooz, E., & Ghazisaeedi M. (2023). Persian version of the smartphone addiction inventory (SPAI-PV): Psychometric evidence of validity and reliability. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 21(3), 1378–1389. [Q1] [IF: 8.0]
- Al-Sharafi, M. A., Al-Emran, M., Arpaci, I., Marques, G., Namoun, A., & Iahad, N. A. (2023). Examining the impact of psychological, social, and quality factors on the continuous intention to use virtual meeting platforms during and beyond COVID-19 pandemic: A hybrid SEM-ANN approach. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39(13), 2673–2685. [Q1] [IF: 5.78]
- Arpaci, I., & Ates, E. (2023). Development of the cybercrime awareness scale (CAS): A validity and reliability study in a Turkish sample. Online Information Review, 47(4), 633–643. [Q2] [IF: 2.901]
- Alshurideh, M., Al Kurdi, B., Salloum, S. A., Arpaci, I., & Al-Emran, M. (2023). Predicting the actual use of m-learning systems: A comparative approach using PLS-SEM and machine learning algorithms. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(3), 1214-1228. [Q1] [IF: 4.965]
- Xie, Y., Arpaci, I., Xiao, Y., Meng, F., & Xie, R. (2022). Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the COVID-19 Phobia Scale. BMC Psychology, 10, 314. [Q2] [IF: 2.588]
- Arpaci, I., Karataş, K., Kusci, I., & Al-Emran, M. (2022). Understanding the social sustainability of the Metaverse by integrating UTAUT2 and big five personality traits: A hybrid SEM-ANN approach. Technology in Society, 71, 102120. [Q1] [IF: 10.32]
- Arpaci, I. (2022). Gender differences in the relationship between problematic Internet use and nomophobia. Current Psychology, 41(9), 6558-6567. [Q2] [IF: 4.297]
- Arpaci, I., & Sevinc, K. (2022). Development of the Cybersecurity Scale (CS-S): Evidence of validity and reliability. Information Development, 38(2), 218-226. [Q2] [IF: 2.0]
- Arpaci, I. (2022). Predicting problematic smartphone use based on early maladaptive schemas by using machine learning classification algorithms. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. [Q4] [IF: 1.6]
- Karataş, K., Arpaci, I., & Yildirim, Y. (2022). Predicting the culturally responsive teacher roles with cultural intelligence and self-efficacy using machine learning classification algorithms. Education and Urban Society, 55(6), 674–697. [Q4] [IF: 1.2]
- Ghazisaeedi, M., Mahmoodi, H., Arpaci, I., Mehrdar, S., & Barzegari, S. (2022). Validity, reliability, and optimal cut-off points of the WHO-5, PHQ-9, and PHQ-2 to screen mild depression among medical university students in Iran. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 20(3), 1824-1833. [Q1] [IF: 8.0]
- Arpaci, I., Karataş, K., Baloğlu, M., & Haktanir, A. (2022). COVID-19 Phobia in the United States: Validation of the COVID-19 Phobia Scale (C19P-SE). Death Studies, 46(3), 553-559. [Q1] [IF: 4.34]
- Arpaci, I., Karataş, K., Kıran, F. Kusci, I., & Topcu, A. (2022). The mediating role of positivity in the relationship between state anxiety and problematic social media use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Death Studies, 46(10), 2287-2297. [Q1] [IF: 4.34]
- Arpaci, I., & Gundogan, S. (2022). Mediating role of psychological resilience in the relationship between mindfulness and nomophobia. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 50(5), 782-790. [Q4] [IF: 1.2]
- Al-Emran, M., Al-Maroof, R., Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Arpaci, I. (2021). What impacts learning with wearables? An integrated theoretical model. Interactive Learning Environments. [Q1] [IF: 4.965]
- Karataş. K., & Arpaci, I. (2021). The mediating role of tolerance in the relationship between cultural intelligence and xenophobia. Asia Pacific Education Review, 22(1), 119-127. [Q3] [IF: 2.3]
- Arpaci, I., Huang, S., Al-Emran, M., Al-Kabi, M. N., & Peng, M. (2021). Predicting the COVID-19 infection with fourteen clinical features using machine learning classification algorithms. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(8), 11943-11957. [Q2] [IF: 3.6]
- Arpaci, I. (2021). Relationships between early maladaptive schemas and smartphone addiction: The moderating role of mindfulness. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19(3), 778–792. [Q1] [IF: 11.555]
- Arpaci, I., Al-Emran, & Al-Sharafi, M. A. (2020). The impact of knowledge management practices on the acceptance of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) by engineering students: A cross-cultural comparison. Telematics and Informatics, 54, 101468. [Q1] [IF: 9.14]
- Baloğlu, M., Şahin, R., & Arpaci, I. (2020). A review of recent research in problematic internet use: Gender and cultural differences. Current Opinion in Psychology, 36, 124-129. [Q1] [IF: 6.813]
- Arpaci, I., Karataş, K., & Baloğlu, M. (2020). The development and initial tests for the psychometric properties of the COVID-19 Phobia Scale (C19P-S). Personality and Individual Differences, 164, 110108. [Q2] [IF: 3.95]
- Arpaci, I., & Basol, G. (2020). The impact of preservice teachers’ cognitive and technological perceptions on their continuous intention to use flipped classroom. Education and Information Technologies, 25(5), 3503–3514. [Q1] [IF: 5.5]
- Al-Emran, M., Arpaci, I., & Salloum, S. A. (2020). An empirical examination of continuous intention to use m-learning: An integrated model. Education and Information Technologies, 25(4), 2899–2918. [Q1] [IF: 5.5]
- Arpaci, I., Abdeljawad, T., Baloğlu, M., Kesici, Ş., & Mahariq, I. (2020). Mediating effect of internet addiction on the relationship between individualism and cyberbullying: Cross-sectional questionnaire study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e16210. [Q1] [IF: 7.076]
- Arpaci, I., & Kocadag Unver, T. (2020). Moderating role of gender in the relationship between big five personality traits and smartphone addiction. Psychiatric Quarterly, 91(2), 577-585. [Q2] [IF: 3.504]
- Arpaci, I., Alshehabi, S., Al-Emran, M., Khasawneh, M., Mahariq, I., Abdeljawad T., & Hassanien, A. E. (2020). Analysis of Twitter data using evolutionary clustering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Computers, Materials & Continua, 65(1), 193-204. [Q3] [IF: 3.86]
- Arpaci, I. (2020). What drives students’ online self-disclosure behavior on social media? A hybrid SEM and artificial intelligence approach. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 18(2), 229-241. [Q4] [IF: 1.6]
- Arpaci, I., Esgi, N. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the smartphone addiction inventory (SPAI). Current Psychology, 39(6), 2246-2251. [Q2] [IF: 4.297]
- Arpaci, I., Baloğlu, M., & Kesici, Ş. (2019). A multi-group analysis of the effects of individual differences in mindfulness on nomophobia. Information Development, 35(2), 333-341. [Q2] [IF: 2.0]
- Arpaci, I. (2019). Culture and nomophobia: The role of vertical versus horizontal collectivism in predicting nomophobia. Information Development, 35(1), 96-106. [Q2] [IF: 2.0]
- Arpaci, I. (2019). A hybrid modeling approach for predicting the educational use of mobile cloud computing services in higher education. Computers in Human Behavior, 90, 181-187. [Q1] [IF: 9.9]
- Arpaci, I., I., Yalcin, S. B., Baloğlu, M., & Kesici, Ş. (2018). The moderating effect of gender in the relationship between narcissism and selfie-posting behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 71-74. [Q2] [IF: 4.3]
- Arpaci, I., Baloğlu, M., & Kesici, Ş. (2018). The relationship among individual differences in individualism-collectivism, extraversion, and self-presentation. Personality and Individual Differences, 121, 89-92. [Q2] [IF: 4.3]
- Arpaci, I., Kesici, Ş., & Baloğlu, M. (2018). Individualism and Internet addiction: The mediating role of psychological needs. Internet Research, 28(2), 293-314. [Q1] [IF: 6.353]
- Arpaci, I., Baloğlu, M., Özteke Kozan, H. I. & Kesici, Ş. (2017). Individual differences in the relationship between attachment and nomophobia: The mediating role of mindfulness. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(12), e404. [Q1] [IF: 7.076]
- Arpaci, I. (2017). Antecedents and consequences of cloud computing adoption in education to achieve knowledge management. Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 382-390. [Q1] [IF: 9.9]
- Arpaci, I. (2016). Understanding and predicting students’ intention to use mobile cloud storage services. Computers in Human Behavior, 58(5), 150-157. [Q1] [IF: 9.9]
- Arpaci, I., Baloğlu, M. (2016). The impact of cultural collectivism on knowledge sharing among information technology majoring undergraduates. Computers in Human Behavior, 56(3), 65-71. [Q1] [IF: 9.9]
- Arpaci, I., Cetin Yardimci, Y., & Turetken, O. (2015). The impact of perceived security on organizational adoption of smartphones. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(10), 602-608. [Q1] [IF: 6.135]
- Arpaci, I., Cetin Yardimci, Y., & Turetken, O. (2015). A cross-cultural analysis of smartphone adoption by Canadian and Turkish organizations. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 18(3), 214-238. [Q3] [IF: 2.0]
- Arpaci, I., Kilicer, K., & Bardakci, S. (2015). Effects of security and privacy concerns on educational use of cloud services. Computers in Human Behavior, 45(5), 93-98. [Q1] [IF: 9.9]
- Arpaci, I. (2015). A comparative study of the effects of cultural differences on the adoption of mobile learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(4), 699-712. [Q1] [IF: 5.268]
International Publications in Refereed Journals (ESCI, ERIC, EI, Scopus)
- Muhametjanova, G., Afacan, G., & Arpaci, I. (2025). Adaptation and validation of the online gaming motivations scale. Media Watch. [EBSCO].
- Arpaci, I., & Kusci, I. (2025). A hybrid SEM-ANN approach for predicting the impact of psychological needs on satisfaction with generative AI use. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. [ESCI, Scopus, Q1].
- Almheiri, E., Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Arpaci, I. (2024). Drivers of smartwatch use and its effect on environmental sustainability: Evidence from SEM-ANN approach. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration. [ESCI].
- Kuşci, İ., & Arpaci, I. (2023). Validation of the Turkish version of the questionnaire of Internet use motives (MUI). Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age, 8(2), 284 – 290.
- Şenocak, E., & Arpaci, I. (2023). A bibliometric analysis on nanoscience and nanotechnology education research. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section C: Chemical Education, 8(1), 1 – 30.
- Bircan, M. A., Arpaci, I., & Akman, E. (2022). Validity and reliability study for the Turkish adaptation of the e-learning readiness scale. Pedagogical Perspective, 1(2), 89-98.
- Masrek, M. N., Razali, M. H., Arpaci, I., Truong, C. D. (2022). The impact of threats appraisal on security strategies of computer users: A survey. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 12(6), 63-72. [Scopus].
- Barzegari, S., Arpaci, I., Hasani, A., Zabihi, A., & Nazari, R. (2022). Psychometric properties of the Persian COVID-19 Phobia Scale. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 9(3), 205-210. [ESCI].
- Karataş. K., & Arpaci, I. (2022). The mediating role of cultural intelligence in the relationship between social justice and global citizenship. Critical Questions in Education, 13(1), 25-39. [ERIC].
- Arpaci, I., Seong, M., & Karataş, K. (2021). Pandemic Awareness Scale (PAS): Evidence of validity and reliability in a Turkish sample during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Trends in Psychology, 30(2), 316-327. [Scopus].
- Arpaci, I., Karataş. K., Baloğlu, M., & Kesici, Ş. (2021). A cross-cultural analysis of the influence of psychological needs and cultural individualism on problematic Internet use. International Archives of Addiction Research and Medicine, 6, 033.
- Arpaci, I., Alshehabi, S., Mahariq, I., & Topcu, A. E. (2021). An evolutionary clustering analysis of social media content and global infection rates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 20(3), 2150038. [ESCI].
- Karataş. K., & Arpaci, I. (2021). The role of self-directed learning, metacognition, and 21st century skills predicting the readiness for online learning. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(3), ep300, [Scopus, ERIC].
- Arpaci, I. (2020). The influence of social interactions and subjective norms on social media postings. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 19(3), 1-11. [ESCI, Scopus].
- Arpaci, I., Onay Durdu, P., & Mutlu, A. (2019). The role of self-efficacy and perceived enjoyment in predicting computer engineering students’ continuous use intention of Scratch. International Journal of E-Adoption, 11(2), 1-12. [ESCI].
- Özteke Kozan, H. I., Baloğlu, M., & Kesici, Ş., Arpaci, I. (2019). The role of personality and psychological needs on the problematic internet use and problematic social media use. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 6(2), 203-219. [ESCI].
- Arpaci, I. (2018). An investigation of the relationship between university students’ innovativeness profile and their academic success in the project development course. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 7(2), 79-95.
- Kilicer, K., & Bardakci, S., & Arpaci, I. (2018). Investigation of emerging technology usage characteristics as predictors of innovativeness. Contemporary Educational Technology, 9(3), 225-245. [Scopus, ERIC Number: EJ1185131].
- Arpaci, I. (2017). The role of self-efficacy in predicting use of distance education tools and learning management systems. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 18(1), 52-62. [ESCI, ERIC Number: EJ1124956].
- Arpaci, I. (2016). An investigation of the relationship between cultural orientations and collaborative learning and its implications on higher education. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 6(2), 209-221. [EBSCO].
- Seyfi, M., & Arpaci I. (2016). The relationship between appearance concerns and selfie sharing on social media. Connectist: Istanbul University Faculty of Communication Journal, 51(2), 143-154. [ESCI].
- Arpaci, I. (2015). A qualitative study on the adoption of bring your own device (BYOD) practice. International Journal of E-Adoption, 7(2), 1-14. [ESCI, EI: Engineering Index].
- Arpaci, I. (2015). A study on the adoption of Scratch by pre-service information technology teachers. Istanbul Journal of Open and Distance Education, 1(2), 77-86.
- Arpaci, I. (2015). Student assessment of teaching effectiveness in entrepreneurship course at the faculty of education. Sakarya University Journal of Education Faculty, 30, 138-154.
- Arpaci, I., Cetin Yardimci, Y., Ozkan, S. & Turetken, O. (2012). Organizational adoption of information technologies: A literature review. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 4(2), 37-50. [Scopus].
- Arpaci, I. (2011). Innovation policy and technological innovation in the public organizations. METU Studies in Development, 38(2), 111-123. [EBSCO].
- Arpaci, I., & Gürbüz, T. (2011). Innovation in learning: Innovative tools and techniques for learning. International Journal of E-Adoption, 3(1), 29-37. [ESCI, EI: Engineering Index].
- Arpaci, I. (2010). E-government and technological innovation in Turkey: Case studies on governmental organizations. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 4(1), 37-53. [ESCI].
Books and Book Chapters
- Arpaci, I., Karataş, K., Zeybek, G., & Haktanir, A. (2024). Environmental attitude, global social responsibility, and digital literacy: Predictors of green purchase intentions among emerging adults. In: Al-Sharafi, M.A., Al-Emran, M., Tan, G. WH., Ooi, KB. (eds) Current and Future Trends on Intelligent Technology Adoption, vol 2 (pp. 79-96). Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1161. Springer, Cham.
- Arpaci I. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Education. In Gul, Y. E. & Yesil, R. (eds.) Eğitim ve Öğretimde Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar, Modeller. Ankara: Nobel.
- Koksalmis, G.H., Ciceklidag, P., Arpaci, I. (2023). Enhancing User Acceptance of E-Exam Systems: A Comprehensive Model and Empirical Analysis. In: Al-Sharafi, M.A., Al-Emran, M., Tan, G.WH., Ooi, KB. (eds) Current and Future Trends on Intelligent Technology Adoption. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1128. Springer, Cham.
- Koksalmis, G.H., Arpaci, I., Koksalmis, E. (2022). Predicting the Intention to Use Bitcoin: An Extension of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with Perceived Risk Theory. In: Al-Emran, M., Shaalan, K. (eds) Recent Innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Smart Applications (pp. 105-120). Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1061. Springer, Cham.
- Barzegari, S., Arpaci, I., Mahmoudvand, Z. (2022). Spatial Accessibility to Hospitals Based on GIS: An Empirical Study in Ardabil. In: Al-Emran, M., Shaalan, K. (eds) Recent Innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Smart Applications (pp. 361-369). Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1061. Springer, Cham.
- Bennani, K. S., & Arpaci I. (2022). Factors influencing individual and organizational adoption of cryptocurrencies. In Goutte S., Guesmi K., & Saadi S. (Eds.) A New Currency for a New Economy. World Scientific Publishing.
- Arpaci I. (2021). Infrastructures: Sustainable Technologies (Ch. 5). In Cura. T. (Ed.) Bilişim Sistemleri. (M: Information Systems, 4e) Ankara: Nobel. ISBN: 978-625-439-591-8.
- Yıldız, E., & Arpaci I. (2021). Matematik Eğitiminde Yenilikçi Teknolojiler. Ankara: Nobel. ISBN: 978-625-439-900-8
- Arpaci, I., Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Marques, G. (2021). Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Vol. 348). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-3-030-67715-2.
- Al-Emran, M. & Arpaci, I. (2021). Intelligent Systems and Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Bibliometric Analysis. In Arpaci et al. (Eds.) Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 59-67). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Vol. 348). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-3-030-67715-2.
- Baloğlu, M., Karataş. K., & Arpaci, I. (2021). Psychological and socio-economic effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Turkish Population. In Arpaci et al. (Eds.) Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 245-258). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Vol. 348). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-3-030-67715-2.
- Arpaci I., Al-Emran M., Al-Sharafi M.A., Shaalan K. (2021). A novel approach for predicting the adoption of smartwatches using machine learning algorithms. In Al-Emran M., Shaalan K., Hassanien A. (Eds.) Recent advances in intelligent systems and smart applications (pp. 185-195). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. (Vol. 295). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-3-030-47410-2.
- Al-Maroof, R. A., Arpaci, I., Al-Emran, M., Salloum, S. A., Shaalan, K. (2021). Examining the acceptance of WhatsApp stickers through machine learning algorithms. In Al-Emran M., Shaalan K., Hassanien A. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications (pp. 209-221). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. (Vol. 295). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-3-030-47410-2.
- Arpaci, I. (2021). Predicting adoption of visual programming languages: An extension of the technology acceptance model. In Al-Emran, M. & Shaalan, K. (Eds.), Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories (pp. 41-56). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Vol. 335). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-64986-9.
- Al-Emran, M., Malik, S. I., Arpaci, I., & Mathew, R. (2021). Comparison of e-learning, m-learning, and game-based learning applications for introductory programming courses: An empirical evaluation using the TAM. In Al-Emran, M. & Shaalan, K. (Eds.), Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories (pp. 293-310). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Vol. 335). Switzerland: Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-64986-9.
- Arpaci, I. (2019). A Theoretical Framework for IT Consumerization: Factors Influencing the Adoption of BYOD. In E. Idemudia (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Technology Integration in the Global World (pp. 114-129). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6367-9.ch006, ISBN:9781522563679.
- Arpaci, I. (2017). Design and development of educational multimedia: The software development process for mobile learning. In Khosrow-Pour, M. (Eds.), (2nd Ed.), Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 366-384). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. ISBN: 9781522507840. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0783-3.ch018.
- Arpaci, I. (2016). Design and development of educational multimedia: The software development process for mobile learning. In Holland J. (Ed.), Handbook of research on wearable and mobile technologies in education (pp. 272-285). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. ISBN: 9781522500698. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-60960-489-9. ch08.
- Yarlikas, S., Arpaci, I., & Afacan, G. (2015). User acceptance of eGovernment services: Analysis of users’ satisfaction level based on technology acceptance model. (2nd Ed.), Public Affairs and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1684-1697). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8358-7.ch086. ISBN: 9781466683587.
- Yarlikas, S., Arpaci, I., & Afacan, G. (2013). User acceptance of eGovernment services: Analysis of users’ satisfaction level based on technology acceptance model. In Yetkiner, I., Pamukcu, M., & Erdil, E. (Eds.), Industrial dynamics, innovation policy, and economic growth through technological advancements (pp. 348-362). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1978-4. ch018. ISBN:978-1-4666-1978-4.
- Arpaci, I., & Gürbüz, T. (2013). Innovation in learning: Innovative tools and techniques for learning (2nd Ed.). In Sharma, S. K. (Ed.). Adoption of Virtual Technologies for Business, Educational, and Governmental Advancements (pp. 117-125), Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2053-7.ch009. ISBN: 9781466620537
- Arpaci, I. (2011). E-Turkey: Turkey’s way to the information society. In Piaggesi, D., Sund, K., & Castelnovo, W. (Eds.), Global strategy and practice of e-governance: Examples from around the world (pp. 272-285). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-60960-489-9. ch015. ISBN:9781609604899
- Arpaci, I., & Arifoğlu, A. (2010). Technological innovation model for public sector: Management of innovation in the public organizations. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8383-6066-9.
Conference Proceedings and Abstracts (International)
- Al-Emran, M., Arpaci, I., Al-Sharafi, M. A. (2022). Development and Initial Testing of Google Meet Use Scale (GMU-S) in Educational Activities During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M.A., Shaalan, K. (eds) International Conference on Information Systems and Intelligent Applications (ICISIA 2022). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 550. Springer, Cham.
- Barzegari, S., Arpaci, I., & Marznaki, Z. H. (2022). Determining Factors Affecting Nurses’ Acceptance of a Hospital Information System Using a Modified Technology Acceptance Model 3. In: Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M.A., Shaalan, K. (eds) International Conference on Information Systems and Intelligent Applications (ICISIA 2022). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 550. Springer, Cham.
- Doughikola, H. M. Z.,, H., Arpaci, I., Rahmani, M., Vahidafshar, T., & Barzegari, S., (2022). Psychometric properties and validation of the Persian version of the Health Information Technology Usability Evaluation Scale. In: Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M.A., Shaalan, K. (eds) International Conference on Information Systems and Intelligent Applications. ICISIA 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 550. Springer, Cham.
- Seong, M. & Arpaci, I. (2021). Pandemic Awareness Scale (PAS) development and evidence of validity and reliability. The Korean Society of Psychiatric Nursing Conference, April 23, Virtual Conference.
- Arpaci, I., Barzegari, S., Mahmoodi, H., Afrooz, E., & Ranjbar, A. Z. (2021). Psychometric characteristics of the Iranian Smartphone Addiction Inventory Short Form (SPAI-SF). In: Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M.A., Al-Kabi, M.N., Shaalan, K. (eds) Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems. ICETIS 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 322. Springer, Cham.
- Arpaci, I., Barzegari, S., & Askarian, F. (2021). Adoption of picture archiving and communication system (PACS) by healthcare professionals. In: Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M.A., Al-Kabi, M.N., Shaalan, K. (eds) Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems. ICETIS 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 322. Springer, Cham.
- Arpaci, I., Eldemir, S. (2019). An investigation of the relationships between mindfulness, personality characteristics and nomophobia. 13th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, May, 2-4, Kırşehir, Turkey.
- Arpaci, I., Eldemir, S. (2019). An investigation of the relationship between nomophobia and smartphone addiction. 13th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, May, 2-4, Kırşehir, Turkey.
- Arpaci, I., Cobanoglu, L. (2018). An investigation of the relationship between school administrators’ technology leadership competencies and project submissions. 13th International Congress on Educational Administration, May, 10-12, Sivas, Turkey.
- Arpaci, I., Öner, İ. E. (2018). The relationship between the socio-cultural orientations and technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) competencies. 13th International Congress on Educational Administration, May, 10-12, Sivas, Turkey.
- Arpaci, I., Esgi, N., & Ünver Kocadağ, T. (2019). An investigation of the relationship between smartphone addiction and five factor personality traits. 12th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, May, 2-4, İzmir, Turkey.
- Arpaci, I., Baloğlu, M., Özteke Kozan, H. I. & Kesici, Ş. (2017). Individual differences in the relationship between attachment and nomophobia: The mediating role of mindfulness. 2nd International Academic Research Congress, October, 18-21, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Turkey.
- Arpaci, I. (2017). Factors Predicting the Use of Smartphones for Information Management in Education. 11th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, May, 24-26, Malatya, Turkey. (Abstract).
- Arpaci, I., Özdağ, M. E. (2017). Designing a Prerequisite Knowledge Level Determination Algorithm for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 11th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, May, 24-26, Malatya, Turkey. (Abstract).
- Arpaci, I. (2016). Understanding the antecedents and determinants of educational use of knowledge management systems. International Conference on Innovative Teaching and Technology in Higher Education, June, 2-3, Istanbul, Turkey. (Abstract).
- Arpaci, I. (2016). Classical and Contemporary Learning Paradigms, Theories, and Models: A Systematic Review. 10th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, May, 16-18, Rize, Turkey. (Full Text)
- Arpaci, I., Onay Durdu, P., İncebacak, D., & Mutlu, A. (2016). Acceptance of Scratch programming environment by computer engineering students. 10th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, May, 16-18, Rize, Turkey. (Abstract).
- Mahariq, I., Arpaci I., & Kuzuoğlu, M. (2015). Analysis of scattering from perfect electric conducting cylinders by spectral element method. Computational Electromagnetics International Workshop, IEEE, July, 02-04, Izmir, Turkey. DOI: 10.1109/CEM.2015.7237421. (Full Text)
- Arpaci, I., & Mahariq I. (2015). Factors Affecting Adoption and Diffusion of Mobile Cloud Storage Services. Digital Life Environment Congress, May 4-6, Istanbul, Turkey. (Abstract)
- Arpaci, I. (2015). Acceptance of Scratch among Pre-Service Information Technology Teachers. Digital Life Environment Congress, May 4-6, Istanbul, Turkey. (Abstract)
- Arpaci, I. (2014). Using tablets to enhance teaching and learning: Advantages, limitations, and suggested solutions. 8th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, September, 18-20, Edirne, Turkey. (Abstract)
- Arpaci, I., Cetin Yardimci, Y., & Turetken, O. (2013). The impact of cultural differences on smartphone adoption by organizations. 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, IEEE, p. 421-423, August, 29-31, London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0048-0. DOI: 10.1109/INTECH.2013.6653664. (Full Text).
- Arpaci, I., Cetin Yardimci, Y., Ozkan, S., & Turetken, O. (2012). Organizational adoption of mobile communication technologies. 9th European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, June, 7-8, Munich, Germany. ISBN: 978-1-908549-03-7 (Full Text).
- Mahariq, I. M. I., & Arpaci I. (2012). Challenges and opportunities in nuclear energy: A promising option in Turkey? 3rd International Conference on Nuclear & Renewable Energy Resources, May, 20-23, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-88549-2-5. (Full Text).
- Arpaci, I., & Uzun, Y. (2010). The innovation portfolio: Strategies, concepts and methodologies. Abstract Proceedings of the 2nd International Eurasia Business and Economic Society Conference, May, 26-28, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-61069-0-3. (Abstract).
- Arpaci, I., Yarlıkaş S., & Afacan G. (2010). User acceptance of e-government services: Analysis of users’ satisfaction level based on technology acceptance model. Abstract Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Dynamics, Innovation Policy and Growth, May, 21-22, Izmir, Turkey. (Abstract)
- Arpaci, I., Gürbüz, T., & Yarlikaş, S. (2010). New technologies in eLearning: Creative tools of web 2.0 and semantic web. 3rd International Future-Learning Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future 2010: e-Learning, May, 10-14, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-4233-30-4. (Full Text).
- Arpaci, I., & Ateş, H. (2010). Organizational and cultural challenges of eGovernment. 2nd International Conference on eGovernment and eGovernance, March, 11-12, Antalya, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-5741-23-5. (Full Text).
- Arpaci, I. (2009). eGovernment and service innovation: Challenges and drivers. International Conference on eGovernment: Sharing Experiences, December, 8-11, Antalya, Turkey. ISBN: 978-975-8918-35-5. (Full Text).
- Arpaci, I., & Gürbüz, T. (2009). Innovative learning environments for new approaches in education. 3rd International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, October 7-9, Trabzon, Turkey. ISBN: 978-975-6983-63-8. (Full Text).
- Arpaci, I., & Gürbüz, T. (2009). The Changing Role of Universities as a Catalyst for Innovation. International Conference on Changing Universities: Governance, Relevance, Performance, September 29 – October 2, Istanbul, Turkey. (Abstract).
- Arpaci, I. (2009). Managing public innovation: Toward developing a new model for public organizations. 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Athens University of Economics and Business, September, 25-27, Athens, Greece. ISBN: 978-960-98566-7-6. (Full Text).