Books and Book Chapters
- Arpaci, I., Al-Emran, M., Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Shaalan, K. (2020). A novel approach for predicting the adoption of smartwatches using machine learning algorithms. In Al-Emran, M., Shaalan, K., & Hassanien, A. E. (Eds.). Recent Advances In Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications. Springer International Publishing AG.
- Arpaci, I. (2020). Predicting Adoption of Visual Programming Languages: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. In Al-Emran, M. & Shaalan, K. (Ed.), Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories (pp. xx-yy). Springer International Publishing AG.
- Arpaci, I. (2019). A Theoretical Framework for IT Consumerization: Factors Influencing the Adoption of BYOD. In E. Idemudia (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Technology Integration in the Global World (pp. 114-129). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-6367-9.ch006, ISBN:9781522563679.
- Arpaci, I. (2017). Design and development of educational multimedia: The software development process for mobile learning. In Management Association, Information Resources. (2nd Ed.), Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 366-384). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. ISBN: 9781522507833. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0783-3.ch018.
- Arpaci, I. (2016). Design and development of educational multimedia: The software development process for mobile learning. In Holland J. (Eds.), Handbook of research on wearable and mobile technologies in education (pp. 272-285). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. ISBN: 9781522500698. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-60960-489-9. ch08.
- Yarlikas, S., Arpaci, I., & Afacan, G. (2015). User acceptance of eGovernment services: Analysis of users’ satisfaction level based on technology acceptance model. (2nd Ed.), Public Affairs and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1684-1697). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8358-7.ch086. ISBN: 9781466683587.
- Yarlikas, S., Arpaci, I., & Afacan, G. (2013). User acceptance of eGovernment services: Analysis of users’ satisfaction level based on technology acceptance model. In Yetkiner, I., Pamukcu, M., & Erdil, E. (Eds.), Industrial dynamics, innovation policy, and economic growth through technological advancements (pp. 348-362). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1978-4. ch018. ISBN:978-1-4666-1978-4.
- Arpaci, I., & Gürbüz, T. (2012). Innovation in learning: Innovative tools and techniques for learning (2nd Ed.). In Sharma, S. K. (Eds.). Adoption of Virtual Technologies for Business, Educational, and Governmental Advancements (pp. 117-125), Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2053-7.ch009. ISBN: 9781466620537
- Arpaci, I. (2011). E-Turkey: Turkey’s way to the information society. In Piaggesi, D., Sund, K., & Castelnovo, W. (Eds.), Global strategy and practice of e-governance: Examples from around the world (pp. 272-285). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-60960-489-9. ch015. ISBN:9781609604899
- Arpaci, I., & Arifoğlu, A. (2010). Technological innovation model for public sector: Management of innovation in the public organizations. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8383-6066-9.